Tag Archives: Betty Sun

Betty Sun, “Embrace Love on Tippy Toes”

I started paying attention to Betty Sun after being dazzled by her performance in New Shanghai Bund. Admittedly, most of my time was spent ogling at Mr. Heartthrob extraordinaire Huang Xiaoming during the brief yet memorable1 Shanghai Bund craze. But the fangirling didn’t blind me to the talents that beholds our actress, who, incidentally, is capable of both playful mischief and convincing innocence.

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Painted Skin Movie Recap


Women are the victim and the token of conquests, the symbol of power and masculinity.

But when a woman of ravishing beauty and exquisite charm comes into contact with the need to possess, the two combust at once, burning, spinning and weaving a cobweb of love, hate, exasperation, and finally, resignation.

Jane Zhang – Painted Heart:

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Painted Skin

One of the many trailers of this upcoming movie — the most un-scary, un-mystical, and un-spooky one — but it has English subtitles.

Adapted from Strange Stories (AKA 聊斋志异), it’s about demons, forbidden love, war, and all the goodies that comes with the whole dark-romance package. Be sure to wait for my recap, ‘cos it’s got all my favorite Chinese actresses! Plus they’ve got Jane Zhang (张靓颖) to sing the theme song! (The song is gorgeous once you get past the first 29 seconds of “lalala”)